Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Sisterly love...

I absolutely love this picture of Emily. She is such a sweet little girl, and was smiling and giving me a serious face on command...but when I said.."do you love your Daddy Emily?" This is the face I got! I would say that her answer is yes! Emily is the best big sister to little Lainey. I am so lucky to work with these girls. This is my second opportunity to do pictures for the Jones family. What a compliment it is to have someone come back for more! That is every photographers dream... in my opinion!

This was also a sweet moment...Kelley (the girls' mother) hadn't planned on being in any pictures. But we took turns giving kisses...this was Lainey's turn. I just love these "real" moments...not so posey and emotion is evident. I truly love this job...I know I say this a lot...but the Lord continues to bless me by opening up the doors to work with amazing people like the Jones' family. I hope you have a blessed day!
Love in Christ, Kyle

1 comment:

Bill said...

Great work, but it sure didn't help that you had such beautiful subjects.