Friday, August 22, 2008

Time to introduce Shana to you...

Okay, so I said some big news was coming and here goes! Shana Cawley is the newest addition to the KHP team. Shana moved here a year ago with her husband Jon from Atlanta. She has always been a very talented photographer, but has recently decided to take the dive into the business. She already has a great following of customers! Shana has two small children that you will see pop up from time to time on her blog and has a lot of energy to learn. She loves photographing weddings and will be a part of all of our 08-09 weddings that are booked to this point. She has a blog and will soon have her own proofing box with her customers in there. Please check out her blog at I am so excited about Shana joining our team and know that she is going to contribute some amazing new shots for us! Love in Christ, Kyle

1 comment:

Joy Peterson said...

That is so exciting!!!